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    Financial Accounting

    Beschreibung Financial Accounting. Weygandt's Financial Accounting, 8th Edition, builds upon previous issues by offering a more in-depth introduction to financial accounting with a continued focus on relevant examples based on everyday life. The goal is to help readers further understand the fundamental concepts necessary to use accounting effectively today, as well as an introduction to IFRS and how to use accounting in the future. Kimmel, Weygandt and Kieso present real financial statements and establish how a financial statement communicates the financing, investing, and operating activities of a business to users of accounting information.

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    Financial Accounting: IFRS - Weygandt, Jerry J., Kimmel ~ Financial Accounting: IFRS / Weygandt, Jerry J., Kimmel, Paul D., Kieso, Donald E. / ISBN: 9781118978085 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und .

    Financial Accounting (eBook, PDF) von Pauline Weetman ~ Financial Accounting An Introduction Pauline Weetman seventh edition The seventh edition of this well-respected and fully updated text retains all of the features that have contributed to the books popularity: focus on the accounting equation, student activities and real-life commentaries throughout each chapter, a clear and accessible writing style, and inclusion of real-world case studies.

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