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    Beschreibung AMERICAN WHEELS, CHINESE ROADS. How could one company—General Motors—meet disaster on one continent and achieve explosive growth on another at the very same time? While General Motors was hurtling towards bankruptcy in 2009, GM’s subsidiary in China was setting new sales and profit records. This book reveals how extraordinary people, remarkable decisions and surprising breaks made triumph in China possible for General Motors. It also shows just how vulnerable that winning track record remains.  No small part of GM’s success in China springs from its management of shifting business and political relationships. In China, the government makes the rules for—and competes in—the auto industry. GM’s business partner, the City of Shanghai, is both an ally and a competitor. How does such an unnatural relationship work on a day-to-day basis? Where will it go on the future? General Motors also engages in constant battles with other global and Chinese car makers for the hearts of demanding Chinese consumers. Dunne gives us rare glimpses into the mindsets and behavior of this new moneyed set, the worlds newest class of wealthy consumers. China is already the number one car market in the world. During the next ten years, China will export millions of cars and trucks globally, including to the United States. American Wheels, Chinese Roads presents readers with fascinating illustrations of what to expect when Chinese cars, companies, and business people arrive on our shores.   


    AMERICAN WHEELS, CHINESE ROADS - Dunne - : Bücher ~ AMERICAN WHEELS, CHINESE ROADS / Dunne / ISBN: 9780470828618 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General ~ American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General Motors in China 1st Auflage von Michael J. Dunne und Verleger John Wiley & Sons P&T. Sparen Sie bis zu 80% durch die Auswahl der eTextbook-Option für ISBN: 9780470828649, 0470828641. Die Druckversion dieses Lehrbuchs hat ISBN: 9780470828618, 0470828617.

    ‎American Wheels, Chinese Roads on Apple Books ~ China is already the number one car market in the world. During the next ten years, China will export millions of cars and trucks globally, including to the United States. American Wheels, Chinese Roads presents readers with fascinating illustrations of what to expect when Chinese cars, companies, and business people arrive on our shores.

    American Wheels, Chinese Roads: The Story of General ~ American Wheels, Chinese Roads is a hilarious read and a great way to learn about China - not just about doing business in China, but China and the Chinese. You'll meet Linda Wang, a young property mogul in Shanghai and see her berate a poor man selling roasted chestnuts on the road from his barrel. You'll learn the importance of settling the bill for the paper cups. And you'll experience some .

    Wiley: American Wheels Chinese Roads ~ American Wheels Chinese Roads. In 1991, General Motors had racked up a staggering $25 billion in losses. By 2009, the company was mired in bankruptcy. On the opposite side of the globe however, GM’s subsidiary in China was experiencing explosive growth as its automobiles flowed into the market, feeding the demand of eager, value-conscious .

    American Wheels Chinese Roads - SlideShare ~ In American Wheels, Chinese Roads, he puts his experience to work, telling the story of General Motors’ early years in China. He explains the rules of the road for doing business in China, providing colorful examples and anecdotes from Chrysler Jeep as well as GM. Dunne describes the importance of luck and licenses, the central role of joint ventures, and the enormous power of China’s city .

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