Beschreibung Finance Ethics: Critical Issues in Theory and Practice (Robert W. Kolb Series, Band 11). A groundbreaking exploration of the critical ethical issues in financial theory and practice Compiled by volume editor John Boatright, Finance Ethics consists of contributions from scholars from many different finance disciplines. It covers key issues in financial markets, financial services, financial management, and finance theory, and includes chapters on market regulation, due diligence, reputational risk, insider trading, derivative contracts, hedge funds, mutual and pension funds, insurance, socially responsible investing, microfinance, earnings management, risk management, bankruptcy, executive compensation, hostile takeovers, and boards of directors.* Special attention is given to fairness in markets and the delivery of financial services, and to the duties of fiduciaries and agents* Rigorous analysis of the topics covered provides essential information and practical guidance for practitioners in finance as well as for students and academics with an interest in finance ethics Ethics in Finance skillfully explains the need for ethics in the personal conduct of finance professionals and the operation of financial markets and institutions.
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COVID-19: Free Articles from APA Journals ~ PTSD and Trauma/Bias, Discrimination, and Equity Expert commentaries on the global psychological impact of COVID-19 Two issues of Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy Âź uncover the social and psychological effects of COVID-19 through over 100 commentaries from experts in 28 countries and six continents.. The July 2020 issue includes special sections titled .
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Principles of Economics / Mises Institute ~ These errors concerned value theory, and they had sown enough confusion to make the dangerous ideology of Marxism seem more plausible than it really was. Menger set out to elucidate the precise nature of economic value, and root economics firmly in the real-world actions of individual human beings. For this reason, Carl Menger (1840-1921) was the founder of the Austrian School of economics. It .
Ethics in Medicine / UW Department of Bioethics & Humanities ~ The Ethics in Medicine website is an educational resource designed for clinicians in training. The website is hosted and maintained by the Department of Bioethics & Humanities at the University of Washington School of Medicine. The topics, cases, and resources covered here are intended to be used as a resource by the UWSOM community and to supplement or support other teaching and learning .
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The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) ~ Foundations of Finance: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Prof. Alex Shapiro 1 Lecture Notes 9 The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) I. Readings and Suggested Practice Problems II. Introduction: from Assumptions to Implications III. The Market Portfolio IV. Assumptions Underlying the CAPM V. Portfolio Choice in the CAPM World VI. The Risk-Return Tradeoff for Individual Stocks VII. The .
The International Journal of Human Resource Management ~ Publishes international research to develop theory and practice in HRM, including new ways of working, diversity & inclusion, talent and performance managem . Log in / Register Cart. Home All Journals The International Journal of Human Resource Management List of Issues Volume 31, Issue 19 2019 Impact Factor. 3.040 The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2019 Impact Factor. 3 .
Academy of Management Review ~ Submissions to AMR must extend theory in ways that develop testable knowledge-based claims. To do this, researchers can develop new management and organization theory, significantly challenge or clarify existing theory, synthesize recent advances and ideas into fresh, if not entirely new theory, or initiate a search for new theory by identifying and delineating a novel theoretical problem. The .
Journal of Business Logistics - Wiley Online Library ~ Logistics and supply chain issues are more important today than ever before. Logistics has achieved greater prominence within business with increased awareness of its operational, strategic, and financial impact on business success. The Journal of Business Logistics (JBL) provides a forum for the dissemination of original thoughts, research, and best practices within the logistics and supply .
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CHAPTER What Is Human Resource Management? 1 ~ The practice of safety and health while hunting was passed on from generation to generation. From 2000 B.C. to 1500 B.C., the Chinese used employee- screening techniques, and the Greeks used an apprentice system (History of Human Resource Management, 2010). These actions recognized the need to select and train individuals for jobs. During the late 1700s and early 1800s, because of the rapid .
Great Philosophers: Plato - Ethics - The Ring of Gyges ~ Shadia Drury discusses Plato and other political philosophers in the service of contemporary theory and practice. This piece is particularly useful as an instance of how ancient philosophy remains relevant. Whether Drury's critique of Leo Strauss and current politics is accurate is open to discussion. Plato: Ethics - The Ring of Gyges Are you a decent person? Well, what if you suddenly gained .
Action Research - Research-Methodology ~ Action research can be defined as âan approach in which the action researcher and a client collaborate in the diagnosis of the problem and in the development of a solution based on the diagnosisâ.In other words, one of the main characteristic traits of action research relates to collaboration between researcher and member of organisation in order to solve organizational problems.
Academic Journals / American Marketing Association ~ The Journal of Public Policy & Marketing is a forum for understanding the nexus of marketing and public policy, with each issue featuring a wide-range of topics, including, but not limited to, ecology, ethics and social responsibility, nutrition and health, regulation and deregulation, security and privacy. Impact factor: 2.5
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