Beschreibung Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring: Take Charge of Your Career, Find a Job You Love, and Earn What You Deserve. Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring You CAN find a good job in a bad economy - but NOT with conventional search strategies. New Rules for a New Reality Today's job market is the toughest in recent history, and the challenges are here to stay. Even so, you CAN get the job you want - IF you discard conventional approaches to the search. Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring is the ONLY career book that:* Explains the special strategies necessary to land a job during an economic crisis* Integrates comprehensive, practical guidance on both job search and career management* Provides an extensive online "Job Search Survival Toolkit" to augment the book* Addresses the realities of this job market with real-world, actionable steps* Positions this downturn in the economy as a positive opportunity to develop a much better career In Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring, career expert Ford R. Myers maps the new world of job search and reveals essential strategies for your success. You'll learn how to seize opportunities that aren't posted yet ... how to make yourself an instant asset to potential employers ... how to clearly stand-out as the best candidate ... and how to leverage social media, blogs, and other Web tools. Best of all, you'll learn how to "recession-proof" your career for the long term. Can YOU Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring? With this powerful new book - YES, you can!
Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring : Take ~ Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring : Take Charge of Your Career, Find a Job You Love, and Earn What You Deserve!, Paperback by Myers, Ford R., ISBN 0470457414, ISBN-13 9780470457412, Brand New, Free shipping in the US In this timely guide, an author who worked at all three of the major career management and outplacement companies in the . offers job-search strategies that work .
8 interview mistakes that tell hiring managers you don't ~ When it comes to job interviews, it's not a matter of what you say, it's more about how you say it. The best way to express your passion and enthusiasm is through your actions and behaviors.
Never, Ever Take A Job Unless It Passes This Test ~ You want a new job, for sure -- but as you point out, your standards can be high! You convey to the world - and to employers - how highly you value your time and talents.
The Hiring Manager's Guide to Hiring the Right Person ~ You’ll have a much better sense of your candidate if you get them out from behind a desk and watch how they behave. The Goal “I can get a really good sense of whether I want to be working with .
When Should You Accept a Lower Position? / Monster ~ You'll be up against more junior candidates, so you'll need to overcome the hiring manager's perceptions that you are overqualified and will get bored and leave. To convince him otherwise, express a positive, compelling reason you want the job. For example: "I want to build a career in customer service. This job would allow me to apply what I .
20 Best Jobs You've Never Heard Of / Careers / US News ~ Based on our analysis, here are 20 interesting jobs you may want to consider for your next career move. Salary and job growth data comes from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Interview Question: "What Are Your Future Goals?" / Indeed ~ An important practice for this interview question is to assess what you want in the next five years of your career. You can even plan further, thinking about the next decade, too. This is just one of a few key questions you should ask yourself before an interview. Set some time aside to write down your career goals, both short term and long .
5 Tips to Improve Your Career Development ~ Career paths are recommended for the same reason that goals are recommended. They are the written plan that can help each employee take charge of what is most important to his or her fulfillment and success. Without a plan, you can feel rudderless and you have no benchmark against which you can measure your progress.
Here's How to Take Responsibility for Your Life ~ The most important aspect of taking responsibility for your life is to acknowledge that your life is your responsibility. No one can live your life for you. You are in charge. No matter how hard you try to blame others for the events of your life, each event is the result of choices you made and are making.
5 Confusing Signs He Likes You (And Is Falling In Love ~ Sometimes Men Behave In Ways That Confuse You Entirely When They're Actually Falling In Love. Here Are 5 Weird Signs He Likes You That You Won't Want To Ignore.
4 Practical Ways To Find Your Life's Passion And A Career ~ Even though you may not have a clear vision for your career, you are probably curious about things which may or may not be obvious to you. It’s important to follow your curiosity and uncover .
11 Tips for Career Planning at Any Age or Career Stage ~ Here are 11 steps you can take right now to develop a career plan that will get you where you want to be professionally: 1. Keep an up-to-date resume . One of the most important steps in planning for the future of your career is to be ready to pounce when opportunities present themselves. Regardless of your industry or career level, learning how to write a resume and keeping it up to date is a .
What to Do When You Didn't Get the Job / The Muse ~ You didn’t get this job, and, yeah, that sucks. But you now know exactly what you want from a new job, and you don’t have to settle until you find it. Enlist Your Army. If you made it pretty far in the interview process, you probably told quite a few people about this amazing gig. And you’re probably not super excited about sharing the .
How to Find Your Dream Career (with Pictures) - wikiHow ~ You can do this for your current job as well, not just a theoretical dream job. If there's something about your job that you do now, factor that in as well. You might want to take a personality test, such as the Briggs-Myers, to help you determine which jobs match well with your personality.
How to Identify and Pursue Your Passions / The Muse ~ Read blogs, join forums, and find out what it’s really like to do what you love. 3. Start Saving Money. Once you feel strongly that you want to start down this new path, start saving. A lot. The more money you have in the bank, the less finances will have to rule your decisions. And the less scary it will be if and when you do quit your job .
How Important is it to Love Your Job? - Work-Life Balance ~ You can and should find enjoyment in your work. Doing so is very valuable to your life in many ways, including greatly increasing your probability of financial success. But you don’t have to love, or even like your overall job to enjoy everyday aspects of it. It is critical to distinguish between the job and the way you do it. This is .
Indeed Job Search - Apps on Google Play ~ Find jobs on Indeed, the job search app built to help you every step of the way. Get free access to millions of job postings, personalize your search, connect with employers and submit job applications—all from the Indeed app. From search to apply, Indeed’s app helps you through the entire process of finding the job that’s right for you. Search Search by job title, company, salary, and .
5 Most Important Aspects of a Job / Work - Chron ~ Take a chance: discuss the gig economy versus a regular job with your employees. If they find the flexibility and self-direction of gig work appealing, you can remain competitive by offering job-sharing or flexible hours. Aspect Number Three: Trust. Transparency prevents workers from leaving your company when rumors of upcoming layoffs or closings fly. Keeping pending changes under wraps only .
10 Simple Ways to Find Happiness / Psychology Today ~ We all want to feel happy, and each of us has different ways of getting there. Here are 10 steps you can take to increase your joie de vivre and bring more happiness into your life:. Be with .
What to Do When You're Passed Over For A Promotion ~ So you didn’t get the promotion, and now your job feels like it’s plateaued. You aren’t being challenged or learning any new skills, and your boss wants to keep you right where you are—at the bottom of the org chart. How can you climb the corporate ladder, if someone keeps holding you down? It happens all the time—just look to your favorite actors and actresses during awards season .
What Hiring Managers Wished You Knew / On Careers / US News ~ If you’re looking for a job, then earning a good salary is no doubt part of the reason you want to work – but be careful. While you may be eager to learn the position’s salary level to know .
Guide: How to Choose a Career / Indeed ~ Selecting a career path can take weeks, months or even years as you continue learning what you want and need in a job. It’s important to note that you may have the option to change your path multiple times in your life, making the ability to choose a new career a valuable life skill. Related: How to Change Careers. Perform a self-assessment. Before making any important decision, it’s a .