Beschreibung Bookkeeping Workbook For Dummies (For Dummies Series). If you're preparing for The American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers' (AIPB) bookkeeping certification test, you need an easy- to-follow test-preparation guide that gets you up to speed quickly in all of the bookkeeping basics, from setting up a company's books and recording transactions to managing employee payroll, handling government paperwork, and closing out the books. You need Bookkeeping Workbook For Dummies.With demonstration problems, complementary examples, and multiple-choice questions you'll find in this user-friendly primer, you'll sharpen your bookkeeping skills for the real world as you increase your ability to perform well on any test. Chapter quizzes let check your progress as you go, and step-by-step answers show you where you went wrong (or right) each problem. You'll feel your confidence and competencegrowing as you learn how to:Perform a wide variety of financial transactionsUse key concepts and skills with real-world bookkeeping problemsDesign a bookkeeping systemTrack day-to-day business operationsKeep journals for active accountsUse blank working papers and spread sheetsHandle cash entries and develop internal controlsCalculate and pay employee withholding taxesDepreciate assetsProve out your books at year's endPrepare tax returns as set up for a new yearComplete with Top Ten lists for managing cash, monitoring accounts, and finding additional helpful resources, Bookkeeping Workbook For Dummies is the test-prep guide you need to help you ace the certification test and speed your way into a successful and rewarding career.
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Bookkeeping Workbook For Dummies - dummies ~ Bookkeeping Workbook For Dummies. Author: Lita Epstein. Print, 288 pages, October 2007. ISBN: 978-0-470-16983-4. Description. If you're preparing for The American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers' (AIPB) bookkeeping certification test, you need an easy- to-follow test-preparation guide that gets you up to speed quickly in all of the bookkeeping basics, from setting up a company's books .
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