Beschreibung Guilding, C: Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers. For non-accountant hospitality managers, accounting and financial management is often perceived as an inaccessible part of the business. Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers. It demonstrates how to organise and analyse accounting data to help make informed decisions with confidence.With its highly practical approach, this new Edition:Quickly develops the reader's ability to adeptly use and interpret accounting information to further organisational decision making and controlDemonstrates how an appropriate analysis of financial reports can drive your business strategy forward from a well-informed baseDevelops mastery of key accounting concepts through financial decision making cases that take a hospitality manager's perspective on business issuesPresents accounting problems in the context of a range of countries and currenciesIncludes a new chapter that addresses a range of financial management topics that include share market workings, agency issues, dividend policy as well as operating and financial leverageIncludes a further new chapter that provides a financial perspective on revenue managementIncludes accounting problems at the end of each chapter to be used to test knowledge and apply understanding to real life situationsOffers extensive web support for instructors and students that includes powerpoint slides, solutions to end of chapter problems, test bank and additional exercises.The book is written in an accessible and engaging style and structured logically with useful features throughout to aid students learning and understanding. It is a key resource for all future hospitality managers.
Guilding, C: Accounting Essentials for Hospitality ~ Guilding, C: Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers / Guilding, Chris (Griffiths University, Australia) / ISBN: 9780415841092 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers - 3rd ~ For non-accountant hospitality managers, accounting and financial management is often perceived as an inaccessible part of the business. Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers. It demonstrates how to organise and analyse .
Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers / Chris ~ For non-accountant hospitality managers, accounting and financial management is often perceived as an inaccessible part of the business. Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers. It demonstrates how to organise and analyse .
Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers: Guilding ~ For non-accountant hospitality managers, accounting and financial management is often perceived as an inaccessible part of the business. Yet having a grasp of accounting basics is a key part of management. Using an 'easy to read' style, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the most relevant accounting information for hospitality managers. It demonstrates how to organise and analyse .
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