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    How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising

    Beschreibung How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising. Praised as the “essential,” “award-winning advertising career classic,” here is the industry standard that all aspiring creatives turn to for brutally honest—and often droll—career advice, now fully updated to reflect what most impresses today’s top firms. This is the unequivocal go-to source for anyone looking to break into the business. Originally published under the title The Copy Workshop.Contributors include: David Baldwin, Tom Cuniff, Greg DiNoto, Jim Durfee, Doreen Dvorin, Heidi Ehlers, Jeffrey Epstein, George Felton, Jack Foster, Cliff Freeman, Roz Goldfarb, Jeff Goodby, Dean Hacohen, Charles Hall, Jhames Holley, Lee Kovel, Leora Mechanic, Deborah Morrison, Jim Mountjoy, James Patterson, Robin Raj, Amy Krouse Rosenthal, Helen Klein Ross, Ron Seichrist, Susan Spiegel Solovay, Helayne Spivak, Luke Sullivan, Eric Weber.From the Introduction:Although media are changing at the speed of light, the basics of advertising, speculative ads, and the job-getting process haven't changed. The information in this spanking-new revision concerns first-year issues.* In Part I, I define concepts and campaigns for those who have just begun to ask what this portfolio thing is all about. And there are new questions and answers that I hope will help those about to graduate, those who are about to enter or have already entered the tougher-than-ever entry-level job competition....* Part II addresses all aspects of getting a job, from resumes, cover letters, and business cards to interview etiquette and follow-up.* As I've done since the first edition of this book, I've invited creative heads of some of the top agencies around, headhunters, creative managers, and junior creative people to write essays and supplement the text of this book with their comments, their stories, and examples from their portfolios. The contributions of these generous people are of enormous value and make up Part III, "A Little Help from Some Friends."

    Buch How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising PDF ePub

    How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising ~ Putting your portfolio together is the most important step toward getting a job in advertising, actually, it's the only step toward getting a job. So make sure you get the best advice possible - the most up-to-date advice - and get it from someone who is working someplace you would want to work.

    How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising ~ To its credit, the "Book" goes beyond just advising on how to put a book (a.k.a. a portfolio to people outside advertising) together. It also offers advice on the job search and interviewing, among other things. A little over a third of the Book is Ms. Paetro's advice. The remaining two thirds consists of advice from numerous advertising veterans, some of them very recognizable names in the .

    How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising ~ In 1979 Paetro published her first book, How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising which received its fourth revision in August 2010. Paetro also authored three novels; Manshare, Babydreams , and Windfall , published between 1986 Maxine Paetro is an American author who collaborates with best-selling author James Patterson on the Women’s Murder Club, Private, and Confession .

    20 Easy Ways To Promote Your Book For Free In 10 Minutes ~ Book promotion. It doesn’t matter if it is an expensive advertising campaign or a short post on one of your social media platforms. Your marketing aim is the same no matter what book promotion tools you use.. When you advertise a book, you are trying to encourage as many people as possible to notice and consider buying your book.

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    How To Make An eBook / Create An eBook - BookBaby ~ Your eBook is published. Congratulations. You’ve done what many dream of doing (but rarely accomplish). This in itself is a huge a success. Take a few days to drink champagne and be merry; but don’t leave your book alone on a digital shelf for too long. Promoting your eBook is the essential next step and, believe it or not, it can be really .

    How to Advertise a Book on a Poster / Pen and the Pad ~ How to Get Your Book on Audible. How to Print & Bind Your Own Cookbook. Publishing a Christian Self Help Book. How Can I Get a Calendar Published & Distributed? How to Advertise a Book on a Poster. Kylie Keeler Updated April 17, 2017 . Home » The Rewrite. If you're faced with the task of promoting a book, you may find yourself limited in what you can do. When looking for something beyond the .

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    How To Promote An eBook When You Have No Money For Advertising ~ Here is my new eBook. Download it now!’ I’m going to run through a list of things you can do instead. Here’s the first one: write supporting blog posts. As soon as you finish writing your eBook, write a couple of blog posts which relate to or complement your eBook. You can repurpose some of your eBook content for this. Don’t have much time to write? Here’s a quick guide on how you ca

    How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising ~ How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising by Maxine Paetro, 9780393732856, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.

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    How to put your book together and get a job in advertising ~ Get this from a library! How to put your book together and get a job in advertising. [Maxine Paetro] -- A fully updated edition of the advertising classic--in print for more than thirty years--endorsed by advertising professionals and portfolio schools across the country, with advice from top creatives .

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