Beschreibung The Perfect Store: Inside eBay. When Pierre Omidyar decided to start an online auction site, his friends told him he was crazy. But within a few years, Omidyar was worth $4 billion and the company he founded, eBay, was the most successful e-commerce site in history. Once a tiny auction site overrun with Beanie Baby listings, today eBay is a commercial powerhouse where millions of users buy and sell everything from antique pickle jars and record albums to Ford trucks and $40,000 computer servers. Now, in The Perfect Store, award-winning journalist Adam Cohen takes us inside eBay for the first time. Cohen was given greater access to eBay than any reporter ever before. He not only spoke to every important player - including CEO Meg Whitman - but eBay issued him a company ID and gave him a work space in its Silicon Valley headquarters.The Perfect Store is the perfect book for anyone who wants to get a handle on what works in the Internet economy. And for anyone who wants to explore the life and times of the most vibrant community in cyberspace.
The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay by Adam Cohen - Books on ~ The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay - Ebook written by Adam Cohen. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay.
The Perfect Store: Inside eBay: Cohen, Adam: 9780316164931 ~ The Perfect Store described how eBay was founded and the first couple of years of its development. Actually, the book is a collection of short stories related to eBay. Some are from the eBay founding, some are from people whos life has been transformed by eBay, some are from eBay employees. The stories together try to give a picture of the creation of eBay.
: The Perfect Store: Inside eBay eBook: Cohen ~ The Perfect Store described how eBay was founded and the first couple of years of its development. Actually, the book is a collection of short stories related to eBay. Some are from the eBay founding, some are from people whos life has been transformed by eBay, some are from eBay employees. The stories together try to give a picture of the creation of eBay.
The perfect store : inside eBay (Book, 2002) [WorldCat] ~ The perfect store : inside eBay. [Adam Cohen] -- Drawing on interviews with eBay's founder and employees, the author provides an inside look at Pierre Omidyar and his creation of the cyberspace giant and traces the company's history from first . Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists .
The Perfect Store / 9780316054645, 9780316054645 / VitalSource ~ The Perfect Store Inside Ebay by Adam Cohen and Publisher Back Bay Books. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780316054645, 031605464X. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780316054645, 031605464X.
The Perfect Store: Inside eBay For Kindle - video dailymotion ~ And he explores the ever-widening array of enlistees in the eBay revolution, from a stay-at-home mom who had to rent a warehouse for her thriving business selling bubble-wrap on eBay to the young MBA who started eBay Motors (which within months of its launch was on track to sell $1 billion in cars a year), to collectors nervously bidding thousands of dollars on antique clothing-irons. Adam .
The Perfect Store: Inside Ebay by Adam Cohen (Paperback ~ Perfect Store : Inside Ebay, Paperback by Cohen, Adam, ISBN 0316164933, ISBN-13 9780316164931, Brand New, Free shipping Drawing on exclusive interviews with eBay's founder and employees, a journalist provides an inside look at Pierre Omidyar and his creation of the cyberspace giant and traces the company's history from first concept to a revolutionary Internet success.
: Customer reviews: The Perfect Store: Inside eBay ~ The Perfect Store described how eBay was founded and the first couple of years of its development. Actually, the book is a collection of short stories related to eBay. Some are from the eBay founding, some are from people whos life has been transformed by eBay, some are from eBay employees. The stories together try to give a picture of the creation of eBay.
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