Beschreibung How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800. A magisterial account of how the cultural and maritime relationships between the British, Dutch and American territories changed the existing world order &; and made the Industrial Revolution possible Between 1500 and 1800, the North Sea region overtook the Mediterranean as the most dynamic part of the world. At its core the Anglo-Dutch relationship intertwined close alliance and fierce antagonism to intense creative effect. But a precondition for the Industrial Revolution was also the establishment in British North America of a unique type of colony &; for the settlement of people and culture, rather than the extraction of things. England&;s republican revolution of 1649&;53 was a spectacular attempt to change social, political and moral life in the direction pioneered by the Dutch. In this wide-angled and arresting book Jonathan Scott argues that it was also a turning point in world history. In the revolution&;s wake, competition with the Dutch transformed the military-fiscal and naval resources of the state. One result was a navally protected Anglo-American trading monopoly. Within this context, more than a century later, the Industrial Revolution would be triggered by the alchemical power of American shopping
How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800. A magisterial account of how the cultural and maritime relationships between the British, Dutch and American territories changed the existing world order - and made the Industrial Revolution possible Between 1500 and 1800, the North Sea region overtook the Mediterranean as the .
How The Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How The Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800. Jonathan Scott. A magisterial account of how the cultural and maritime relationships between the British, Dutch and American territories changed the existing world order â and made the Industrial Revolution possible. Between 1500 and 1800, the North Sea region overtook the .
How the Old World Ended â The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How the Old World Ended The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800 . In this wide-angled and arresting book Jonathan Scott argues that it was also a turning point in world history. In the revolutionâs wake, competition with the Dutch transformed the military-fiscal and naval resources of the state. One result was a navally protected Anglo-American trading monopoly. Within this context .
Book Review: How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch ~ Intended for healthcare professionals. MENU. Search Browse; Resources. Authors
How The Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How The Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800 A magisterial account of how the cultural and maritime relationships between the British, Dutch and American territorie. Publication.
How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800 by Jonathan Scott English / January 7, 2020 / ISBN: 0300243596 / EPUB / 392 pages / 2.5 MB
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How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800 392. by Jonathan Scott / Editorial Reviews. Hardcover $ 31.50 $35.00 Save 10% Current price is $31.5, Original price is $35. You Save 10%. Hardcover. $31.50. NOOK Book. $26.49. Audio MP3 on CD. $29.99. Audio CD. $42.99. View All Available Formats & Editions. Ship This Item â Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up .
How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American ~ How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800 [Scott, Jonathan] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. How the Old World Ended: The Anglo-Dutch-American Revolution 1500-1800
Revolutions: How They Changed History and What They Mean ~ Revolutions hold a distinct place in the popular imagination. This may be because their rhetoric, such as âliberty, fraternity, equalityâ, articulates aspirations with which we identify; or because we are shocked by the destructive forces unleashed when social conventions break down. Yet each revolution is unique â a product of its time, its society, its people â and the outcomes vary .
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