Beschreibung Grave New World: The End of Globalization, the Return of History. A controversial look at the end of globalization and what it means for prosperity, peace, and the global economic order Globalization, long considered the best route to economic prosperity, is not inevitable. An approach built on the principles of free trade and, since the 1980s, open capital markets, is beginning to fracture. With disappointing growth rates across the Western world, nations are no longer willing to sacrifice national interests for global growth; nor are their leaders able&;or willing&;to sell the idea of pursuing a global agenda of prosperity to their citizens.   Combining historical analysis with current affairs, economist Stephen D. King provides a provocative and engaging account of why globalization is being rejected, what a world ruled by rival states with conflicting aims might look like, and how the pursuit of nationalist agendas could result in a race to the bottom. King argues that a rejection of globalization and a return to &;autarky&; will risk economic and political conflict, and he uses lessons from history to gauge how best to avoid the worst possible outcomes.
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Grave New World / Yale University Press ~ "[Grave New World] sets out the argument strongly and clearly. . . . King correctly takes aim at the very idea that there is a single international community with an agreed set of aims and ideas, or even a united west when it comes to important issues such as foreign policy and projecting 'Western values' in the Middle East. . . . The truth is, as usual, somewhere between despair and .
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The end of globalisation? Don’t be so sure / Financial Times ~ The general thesis set out by King in Grave New World and Emmott in The Fate of the West is that a system of economic and political openness that has obtained since the end of the second world war .