Beschreibung Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way. Management professor and West Point graduate, Evan Offstein, approached leaders at the U.S. Military Academy and the Department of the Army with two primary questions: (1) How does West Point develop its leaders?; (2) Can other individuals and organizations apply these principles effectively? Two years and dozens of interviews later, he offers unprecedented access to the process of leadership development at West Point. With an explicit mission to produce "honorable" leaders, West Point invests heavily in mentoring, training, and evaluation to ensure the character development of its 4,000 cadets. From Robert E. Lee to Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin to basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, West Point has groomed leaders whose contributions far exceed the successful management of their immediate charges. By illuminating the principles by which West Point teaches leadership, Stand Your Ground not only provides a unique tour behind the scenes at this revered institution, but, more generally, imparts lessons of honor and character-building that can be adopted by any aspiring leader.
Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West ~ This was not the case with Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way. My fiance used to be in the army, so I've heard a lot about the honor that is instilled in its members. However, I never fully understood that honor until I read this book. Much of the information is common sense, but you would be surprised how many people are not honorble. Dr. Offstein breaks honor .
[Download ebook] Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable ~ [Download ebook] Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way by Evan Offstein May 30, 2014 quititabtiapehosmegentme Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way
Lincoln on Leadership: Executive Strategies for Tough ~ Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way Evan H. Offstein. 4.7 out of 5 stars 27. Paperback. $40.00. Next . Special offers and product promotions. Business: For business-only pricing, quantity discounts and FREE Shipping. Register a free business account; Editorial Reviews Review "Remarkable.a lively and entertaining study that delivers uncommon good sense .
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