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    Essentials of Accounting

    Beschreibung Essentials of Accounting. Were you looking for the book with access to MyAccountingLab?Essentials of Accounting with MyAccountingLab: International Editions, 11/e (ISBN: 9780273771517) and save 40%. For courses in Introductory Accounting. Essentials of Accounting is a workbook that provides a self-teaching and self-paced introduction to financial accounting for active users of business data. This text presents the ideas and terminology essential to understanding balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash flows in a unique format that enables students to study and learn with ease. Essentials of Accounting is best used when paired with the Core Concepts of Accounting, which captures the full text (but not the programmed approach) of Essentials of Accounting, while including important accounting concepts and terms. Need extra support? This title can be supported by MyAccountingLab, an online homework and tutorial system which can be used by students for self-directed study or fully integrated into an instructor's course. This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyAccountingLab. You can benefit from MyAccountingLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access card for MyAccountingLab: Essentials of Accounting with MyAccountingLab: International Editions, 11/e (ISBN: 9780273771517). Alternatively, buy access online at www.MyAccountingLab.com. For educator access, contact your Pearson Account Manager. To find out who your account manager is, visit www.pearsoned.co.uk/replocator

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