Beschreibung Advanced Financial Accounting: An International Approach. Advanced Financial Accounting is the first consolidated and simplified reference textbook to illustrate in detail the background and intended applications of the IFRS. Each chapter summarises and explains new or revised IFRS, along with their key underlying concepts, appropriate accounting treatment and the associated requirements in a concise and user-friendly way. Complex accounting issues are explained with up-to-date real-world examples to illustrate how these problems have been addressed by listed companies across Europe.
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Advanced financial accounting : an international approach ~ Get this from a library! Advanced financial accounting : an international approach. [Jagdish Kothari; Elisabetta Barone] -- Today's enterprises are global in all respects - they trade globally and they raise capital in international markets. This title places an emphasis on interpretation, use and impact of standards in .
Financial Accounting: An International Approach - Pearson ~ Financial Accounting: A International Approach is written to reflect the latest financial accounting developments and their implications, and is the ideal text for non-specialist students. Aimed at those students who wish to pursue careers as managers in business or similar organisations, the book offers an innovative, practical and interactive approach to the subject.
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Financial Accounting with International Financial ~ While there is growing interest in IFRS within the US, interest outside the US has exploded. Weygandts fourth edition of Financial Accounting: IFRS highlights the integration of more US GAAP rules, a desired feature as more foreign companies find the United States to be their largest market. The highly anticipated new edition retains each of the key features (e.g. TOC, writing style, pedagogy .
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International Financial Reporting - Bookboon ~ Upon completing this study guide, the readers should be able to read and interpret any annual report based on International Accounting Standards and, even though they might still lack the full knowledge of unusual or very technical information, they should be able to make their own informed opinion about the financial performance, situation and perspective of the reporting entity that .
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Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach ~ Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach is an adaptation of McGraw-Hill Australia's bestselling financial accounting text Australian Financial Accounting by Craig Deegan, authored by Anne Marie Ward of Ulster University. Set within an international context, with a solid grounding in IAS/ IFRS, the book provides students with a detailed grasp of reporting requirements in .
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