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    Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series)

    Beschreibung Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series). Prominent experts from science and the humanities explore issues in robot ethics that range from sex to war.

    Buch Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series) PDF ePub

    Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents Ser.: Robot ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents Ser.: Robot Ethics : The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics (2011, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

    Ethical Concerns of AI - Forbes ~ Artificial Intelligence is seen by many as a great transformative tech that will change the way we work, live, and interact. As such the ethics behind creating such powerful and potentially life .

    Ronald Arkin - Ronald C. Arkin ~ Regarding Robot Ethics, click here for information on CS 4002 Robots and Society, as well as some PR on the topic here and here. A tech report on the ethical issues surrounding lethal autonomous systems can be found here. Finally, for some of my thoughts on these and other issues, check out this and this. " " " "

    Confronting pitfalls of machine learning / Harvard Magazine ~ Ethics and the dawn of decision-making machines. On March 18, 2018, at around 10 p.m., Elaine Herzberg was wheeling her bicycle across a street in Tempe, Arizona, when she was struck and killed by a self-driving car.Although there was a human operator behind the wheel, an autonomous system—artificial intelligence—was in full control.

    Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong: Wallach ~ Robot Ethics 2.0: From Autonomous Cars to Artificial intelligence Patrick Lin. 4.7 . Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series) Patrick Lin. 4.4 out of 5 stars 19. Paperback. $35.00. Next . Pages with related products. See and discover other items: moral philosophy > Back to top. Get to Know Us. Careers; Blog; About .

    The Ethics of Autonomous Cars - The Atlantic ~ As it applies here, robots aren’t merely replacing human drivers, just as human drivers in the first automobiles weren’t simply replacing horses: The impact of automating transportation will .

    Artificial Intelligence In Humanoid Robots ~ Science fiction introduced us to the concept of robotics. Comic books and novels have familiarized us with what robots are and how they function. Over time, AI has evolved and we now have humanoid .

    IEEE Ethics In Action in Autonomous and Intelligent ~ The Ethically Aligned Design series was created to highlight specific aspects of the seminal document Ethically Aligned Design: Prioritizing Human Wellbeing with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems.Created by more than 700 global experts focused on the pragmatic instantiation of human-centric, values-driven design, the first edition of EAD contains more than 280 pages designed for a wide range .

    Robots and Artificial Intelligence / HowStuffWorks ~ Some robots can learn by mimicking human actions. In Japan, roboticists have taught a robot to dance by demonstrating the moves themselves. Some robots can interact socially. Kismet, a robot at M.I.T's Artificial Intelligence Lab, recognizes human body language and voice inflection and responds appropriately. Kismet's creators are interested in .

    Robotic Nurses / Computers and Robots: Decision-Makers in ~ A successful integration of intelligent, ethical robots in society requires plenty of field-testing in unpredictable real-life environments. Since it is inconvenient, and sometimes dangerous, to deploy untested autonomous machines near humans, these robots should be introduced as assistants to humans with limited functionality until testing is complete. Newly created machines should only .

    Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Journal - Elsevier ~ Robotics and Autonomous Systems will carry articles describing fundamental developments in the field of robotics, with special emphasis on autonomous systems. An important goal of this journal is to extend the state of the art in both symbolic and sensory based robot control and learning in the context of autonomous systems.

    A Comprehensive Ethical Framework for AI Entities ~ 2.1 Ethical Considerations in Regards of A(G)I. A comprehensive ethical framework that can help soundly manage morally-burdened scenarios—caused/received by or otherwise related to A(G)I—should take into consideration a plethora of moral issues and perspectives that inevitably will arise from the widespread introduction of AI into society, and the possible advent of AGI.

    Robohub / Connecting the robotics community to the world ~ A few weeks ago I gave a short paper at the excellent International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards (ICRES 2020), outlining a case study in Ethical Risk Assessment – see our paper here. Our chosen case study is a robot teddy bear, inspired by one of my favourite movie robots: Teddy, in A. I. Artificial Intelligence.

    The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and ~ The Ethics Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS) has the goal to create specifications for certification and marking processes that advance transparency, accountability, and reduction in algorithmic bias in autonomous and intelligent systems. ECPAIS intends to offer a process and define a series of marks by which organizations can seek certifications for their .

    Stanford professors discuss ethics involving driverless ~ The topic of ethics and autonomous cars will be discussed during a free live taping of an episode of Philosophy Talk, a nationally syndicated radio show co-hosted by professors Ken Taylor and John .

    Science Robotics ~ Science Robotics 21 Oct 2020 A hybrid analog-digital computing platform using memristors enables faster, more energy-efficient, and adaptive real-time robot control. Abstract

    European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies ~ Following a formal request from the European Commission, the EGE is currently developing an Opinion on the Ethics of Gene Editing. The Opinion will comprise an analysis of the ethical, societal, fundamental rights implications of genome editing applications in humans, animals and plants, together with a set of policy recommendations.

    Professor Illah R. Nourbakhsh ~ Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Special Issue on Socially Interactive Robots 42 (3-4), pp 245-258, 2003. Click here for a PDF version. "A survey of socially interactive robots," T. Fong, I. Nourbakhsh, K. Dautenhahn. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Special issue on Socially Interactive Robots 42 (3-4), pp 143-166, 2003. Click here for a PDF .

    Moral Agent - Ethics Unwrapped ~ A moral agent is a person who has the ability to discern right from wrong and to be held accountable for his or her own actions. Moral agents have a moral responsibility not to cause unjustified harm. Traditionally, moral agency is assigned only to those who can be held responsible for their actions. Children, and […]

    Benefits of Robotics in Healthcare: Tasks Medical Robots ~ Medical robots, Surgical robots, Robotic nurses, Blood-drawing robots & Exoskeletons: Here’s our overview to understand Robotics in Healthcare and Medicine. The Medical Futurist Magazine

    IEEE Technology Navigator ~ Connecting You to the IEEE Universe of Information. /* data-id needs to be the same as the parent it will attach to */ Welcome to the IEEE Technology Navigator — a new tool that brings together the vast catalog of IEEE resources and organizes it into technology topics — engineering and science concepts that are relevant to you. .