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    The Logic of Political Survival (Mit Press)

    Beschreibung The Logic of Political Survival (Mit Press). The authors of this ambitious book address a fundamental political question: why are leaders who produce peace and prosperity turned out of office while those who preside over corruption, war, and misery endure? Considering this political puzzle, they also answer the related economic question of why some countries experience successful economic development and others do not. The authors construct a provocative theory on the selection of leaders and present specific formal models from which their central claims can be deduced. They show how political leaders allocate resources and how institutions for selecting leaders create incentives for leaders to pursue good and bad public policy. They also extend the model to explain the consequences of war on political survival. Throughout the book, they provide illustrations from history, ranging from ancient Sparta to Vichy France, and test the model against statistics gathered from cross-national data. The authors explain the political intuition underlying their theory in nontechnical language, reserving formal proofs for chapter appendixes. They conclude by presenting policy prescriptions based on what has been demonstrated theoretically and empirically.

    Buch The Logic of Political Survival (Mit Press) PDF ePub

    The Logic of Political Survival / The MIT Press ~ The Logic of Political Survival takes up the big question that has long puzzled social scientists of all stripes—why do governments that cripple or destroy their own societies survive in office for so long? The authors offer a detailed and convincing theory and subject that theory to withering examination by the data. A must-read for anyone who seeks to understand the fate of nations.

    The Logic of Political Survival (The MIT Press) - Kindle ~ The Logic of Political Survival (The MIT Press) - Kindle edition by Mesquita, Bruce Bueno de. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Logic of Political Survival (The MIT Press).

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    The logic of political survival (Book, 2003) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! The logic of political survival. [Bruce Bueno de Mesquita;] -- "The authors construct a provocative theory on the selection of leaders and present specific formal models from which their central claims can be deduced. They show how political leaders allocate .

    The Logic of Political Survival - Wikipedia ~ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Logic of Political Survival is a 2003 non-fiction book co-written by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, Alastair Smith, Randolph M. Siverson, and James D. Morrow, published by MIT Press. It discusses the selectorate theory of politics.

    : Customer reviews: The Logic of Political ~ Using game theory this book tries to ask and answer several questions dealing with political survival. Using historical data, combined with game theory math, this book does an excellent job of laying out not only what they have found in their research, but also where additional avenues of research still exist. I will say the book is not an easy read, though I think due to the subject matter .

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