Beschreibung Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery. What do lace makers share with pulmonary surgeons? Saville Row tailors with molecular scientists? Jazz musicians with fighter pilots? Seemingly, they have little in common, other than being skilled at what they do. But the expert on experts, Professor Roger Kneebone, has spent his life finding the points of connection. As he shows, while the outcome is always different, the journey to expertise is always the same.From 'doing time' as an Apprentice, knowing nothing and learning by copying how things are already done, through setting out on your own as a Journeyman, developing your own voice and taking responsibility for your work, to finally becoming a Master and refining your knowledge through passing it on to future generations, Kneebone articulates a path we're all following - and there's comfort in locating yourself, understanding how far there is to go, and seeing how far you've come.Drawing on cutting-edge research, including his own work with a variety of extraordinary experts from taxidermists to neurosurgeons, and a tradition of learning established in medieval workshops, in this ground-breaking book, Professor Kneebone reveals with colour and panache the symbiotic system that creates and sustains experts, whatever their field, and explains how you can become one yourself, whether you're learning a language, giving a presentation, or simply becoming the person you want to be.
Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery / Five Books ~ Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery by Roger Kneebone. Many of us aspire to mastery in our area of specialism. But how does one get there? Itâs not always clear. Roger Kneebone, a former trauma surgeon turned Imperial College London professor and âexpert on expertsâ has spent years joining the dots between various professions to build a model of how one might advance to the levels .
Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery - YouTube ~ We all need experts for things we canât do ourselves. And we are all on a path to becoming expert ourselves, whatever our areas of interest. But what does it.
Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery ~ We all need experts for things we canât do ourselves. And we are all on a path to becoming expert ourselves, whatever our areas of interest. But what does it mean to be expert? In his new book Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery (Viking Penguin, 2020), Roger Kneebone explores these challenge
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