Beschreibung Story and Simulations for Serious Games: Tales from the Trenches. How to create a simulation where participants have a sense of freedom and personal control while still maintaining the structure necessary for an effective story is a difficult task indeed. This book examines how to create an engaging, effective story (necessary to teach participants), while relating practical considerations of building a simulation. It also looks at stories as classic ways of teaching and gathering knowledge and considers other theories of interactive narrative design such as synthetic story creation and management and participant-generated story experiences. It also discusses enabling technologies in artificial intelligence, synthetic characters design and development, speech recognition technology, 3D modelling, and the future of story-driven games. Story Driven Simulations reviews the existing efforts in this field as well as focusing on the recent efforts of Paramount Pictures and The Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California, where this expert author team created successful simulations for the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, as well as other educational simulations.
Story and Simulations for Serious Games: Tales from the ~ Story Driven Simulations reviews the existing efforts in this field as well as focusing on the recent efforts of Paramount Pictures and The Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California, where this expert author team created successful simulations for the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, as well as other educational simulations.
Story and Simulations for Serious Games / ScienceDirect ~ Story Driven Simulations reviews the existing efforts in this field as well as focusing on the recent efforts of Paramount Pictures and The Institute for Creative Technologies at the University of Southern California, where this expert author team created successful simulations for the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, as well as other educational simulations.
Story and simulations for serious games : tales from the ~ Get this from a library! Story and simulations for serious games : tales from the trenches. [Nicholas V Iuppa; Terry Borst] -- How to create a simulation where participants have a sense of freedom and personal control while still maintaining the structure necessary for an effective story is a difficult task indeed. This book .
Story and simulations for serious games: tales from the ~ Story and simulations for serious games: tales from the trenches. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Type Book Author(s) Nicholas V. Iuppa, Terry Borst Date c2006 Publisher Elsevier Pub place Amsterdam, Boston ISBN-10 0080467202, 024080788X, 6610729077 ISBN-13 9780080467207, 9780240807881, 9786610729074 eBook . Access the eBook. Open eBook in new window. Format electronic resource. This item .
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