Beschreibung The Fall of the House of Fifa. Fifa was founded in 1904 to unite the football-playing world, its first congress stating that 'no person should be allowed to arrange matches for personal profit'. A little over a century later, a judge in a Brooklyn courtroom called Fifa a 'Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organisation (RICO) enterprise' - a term originally coined for the mafia.As dazzling World Cups captivated billions around the world Fifa became a commercial magnet, money pouring into its coffers. Its earnest foundations began to crumble as those entrusted with the sport wanted their share. For forty years Joao Havelange and then Sepp Blatter presided over a Fifa now plagued with scandal - dawn raids, FBI investigations, allegations of money laundering, industrial-scale bribery, racketeering, tax evasion, vote-buying and theft that now came to define the organisation whose purpose is to foster international cooperation and nurture the spirit of this simple, beautiful game.David Conn, football's most respected investigative journalist, chronicles the extraordinary history and staggering scale of corruption, paints revealing portraits of the men at the centre of Fifa - the power brokers, the indicted, the legends like Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini - and puts the allegations to Blatter himself in an extended interview. The Fall of the House of Fifa is the definitive story of Fifa's rise and the most spectacular fall sport has ever seen.
The Fall of the House of FIFA: The Multimillion-Dollar ~ The Fall of the House of FIFA situates FIFA's unraveling amidst revealing human portraits of soccer legends such as Michel Platini and Franz Beckenbauer and features an exclusive interview with former president Sepp Blatter. Even as he chronicles the biggest sport scandal of all time, Conn infuses the book with a passionate love of the game, delivering an irresistible read.
The Fall of the House of Fifa eBook: Conn, David: ~ The Fall of the House of Fifa is the definitive story of Fifa's rise - and the most spectacular fall sport has ever seen. 1904: 'No person should be allowed to arrange matches for personal profit' - Fifa congress. A century later: 'Fifa is a Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organisation (RICO) enterprise' - A judge in Brooklyn, using a term originally coined for the mafia . For forty years Joao .
The Fall of the House of Fifa by David Conn review – a ~ • The Fall of the House of Fifa is published by Yellow Jersey. To order a copy for £14.44 (RRP £16.99) go to bookshop.theguardian or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over £10, online .
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Book Review / The Fall of the House of FIFA / BookJelly ~ With ‘The fall of the house of FIFA’, Conn marks the end of his hiatus of five years. His last book, ‘Richer than God‘, was a superb tale about the invasion of foreign money into the English premier league; a must-read for every modern day football fan. In his new book, he treads the serpentine trail of fraud and breach of trust in the .
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The Fall of the House of Fifa: : Conn, David ~ The Fall of the House of Fifa is the definitive story of Fifa's rise - and the most spectacular fall sport has ever seen.. 1904: 'No person should be allowed to arrange matches for personal profit' - Fifa congress. A century later: 'Fifa is a Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organisation (RICO) enterprise' - A judge in Brooklyn, using a term originally coined for the mafia
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