Beschreibung OXFORD HANDBK OF MEANINGFUL WO (Oxford Handbooks). The Oxford Handbook of Meaningful Work examines the concept, practices and effects of meaningful work in organizations and beyond. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, this volume reflects diverse scholarly contributions to understanding meaningful work from philosophy, political theory, psychology, sociology, organizational studies, and economics. In philosophy and political theory, treatments of meaningful work have been influenced by debates concerning the tensions between work as unavoidable and necessary, and work as a source of self-realization and human flourishing. This tension has come into renewed focus as work is reshaped by technology, globalization, and new forms of organization. In management studies, much empirical work has focused on meaningful work from the perspective of positive psychology, but more recent research has considered meaningful work as a complex phenomenon, socially constructed from interactive processes between individuals, and between individuals, organizations, and society. This Handbook examines meaningful work in the context of moral and pragmatic concerns such as human flourishing, dignity, alienation, freedom, and organizational ethics. The collection illuminates the relationship of meaningful work to organizational constructs of identity, belonging, callings, self-transcendence, culture, and occupations. Representing some of the most up to date academic research, the editors aim to inspire and equip researchers by identifying new directions and methods with which to deepen scholarly inquiry into a topic of growing importance.
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Verwaltungsrecht – Wikipedia ~ Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008, ISBN 978-0-19-953545-3, S. 1259–1286. Frank Johnson Goodnow: Comparative administrative law: an analysis of the administrative systems, national and local, of the United States, England, France, and Germany. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York 1897 (Neuauflage: 2005, ISBN 1-58477-622-6). Hanns Peter Nehl: Administrative Law .
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