Beschreibung The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History) (The New Oxford World History). The Silk Road was the contemporary name for a complex of ancient trade routes linking East Asia with Central Asia, South Asia, and the Mediterranean world. This network of exchange emerged along the borders between agricultural China and the steppe nomads during the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.), in consequence of the inter-dependence and the conflicts of these two distinctive societies. In their quest for horses, fragrances, spices, gems, glassware, and other exotics from the lands to their west, the Han Empire extended its dominion over the oases around the Takla Makan Desert and sent silk all the way to the Mediterranean, either through the land routes leading to the caravan city of Palmyra in Syria desert, or by way of northwest India, the Arabian Sea and the Red Sea, landing at Alexandria. The Silk Road survived the turmoil of the demise of the Han and Roman Empires, reached its golden age during the early middle age, when the Byzantine Empire and the Tang Empire became centers of silk culture and established the models for high culture of the Eurasian world. The coming of Islam extended silk culture to an even larger area and paved the way for an expanded market for textiles and other commodities. By the 11th century, however, the Silk Road was in decline because of intense competition from the sea routes of the Indian Ocean. Using supply and demand as the framework for analyzing the formation and development of the Silk Road, the book examines the dynamics of the interactions of the nomadic pastoralists with sedentary agriculturalists, and the spread of new ideas, religions, and values into the world of commerce, thus illustrating the cultural forces underlying material transactions. This effort at tracing the interconnections of the diverse participants in the transcontinental Silk Road exchange will demonstrate that the world had been linked through economic and ideological forces long before the modern
The Silk Road in World History The New Oxford World ~ "A welcome addition to the New Oxford World History series.Any general reader interested in silk or textiles will enjoy this book, but so too will one who is captivated by any other aspect of the Silk Road, for it provides a quick but fascinating historical narrative. As a textbook for a world history class, its appeal lies not only in the romance of the Silk Road but also in its use of .
The Silk Road in World History - Oxford University Press ~ The Silk Road was the contemporary name for a complex of ancient trade routes linking East Asia with Central Asia, South Asia, and the Mediterranean world. This network of exchange emerged along the borders between agricultural China and the steppe nomads during the Han Dynasty (206BCE-220CE), in consequence of the inter-dependence and the conflicts of these two distinctive societies.
: The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford ~ "A welcome addition to the New Oxford World History series.Any general reader interested in silk or textiles will enjoy this book, but so too will one who is captivated by any other aspect of the Silk Road, for it provides a quick but fascinating historical narrative. As a textbook for a world history class, its appeal lies not only in the romance of the Silk Road but also in its use of .
The Silk Road - Hardcover - Valerie Hansen - Oxford ~ The Silk Road is as iconic in world history as the Colossus of Rhodes or the Suez Canal. But what was it, exactly? It conjures up a hazy image of a caravan of camels laden with silk on a dusty desert track, reaching from China to Rome.
The Silk Road in world history (Book, 2010) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! The Silk Road in world history. [Xinru Liu] -- The Silk Road was the current name for a complex of ancient trade routes linking East Asia with Central Asia, South Asia, and the Mediterranean world. This network of exchange emerged along the .
The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History ~ The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History) Author. Liu, Xinru. Publisher. Oxford University Press. Publication Date. 2010. Buy This Book. $18.78. plus shipping $21.45. free shipping worldwide. By purchasing books through this website, you support our non-profit organization. Ancient History Encyclopedia receives a small commission for each book sold through our affiliate .
The Silk Road in World History / SILK ROADS ~ The Silk Road in World History . liu_the_silk_road_in_world_history.jpg . liu_the_silk_road_in_world_history.jpg. In this intriguing book, Xinru Liu reveals both why and how a long distance trade in luxury goods emerged in the late third century BCE, following its story through to the Mongol conquest. Liu starts with China’s desperate need for what the Chinese called “the heavenly horses .
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World: ~ The Silk Roads: A New History of the World / Frankopan, Peter / ISBN: 9781408839997 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
(PDF) The Silk Road in World History by Xinru Liu (review) ~ The editors of Oxford World History, in which this volume is published, hope that the series will emphasize “the connectedness and interactions of all kinds … involving people, places and .
The New Oxford World History - Douban ~ The New Oxford World History. 出版社: Oxford University Press, USA Oxford University Press 册数: 19 收藏. 推荐 6人. 按收藏人数排序 / 按出版时间先后排序. Central Asia in World History Peter B. Golden / Oxford University Press / 2011-2-2 / USD 20.95 8.6 (20人评价) A vast region stretching roughly from the Volga River to Manchuria and the nor. The Silk Road in World .
Oxford Handbook of World History - Oxford Handbooks ~ The Oxford Handbook of World History presents thirty-one articles by leading historians on the most important issues explored by contemporary world historians. These broadly fall into four categories: conceptions of the global past, themes in world history, processes of world history, and regions in world history. The articles on conceptions deal with issues of space and time as treated in the .
The New Oxford World History / Series / LibraryThing ~ The New Oxford World History is an innovative series that offers readers an informed, lively, and up-to-date history of the world and its people, representing a significant change from the "old" world history. "New" world history emphasizes connectedness and interactions of all kinds - cultural, economic, political, religious, and social - involving peoples, places, and processes. Each volume .
: The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford ~ The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History) - Kindle edition by Liu, Xinru. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History).
The Silk Road in World History / Oxford University Press ~ The Silk Road was the current name for a complex of ancient trade routes linking East Asia with Central Asia, South Asia, and the Mediterranean world. This network of exchange emerged along the borders between agricultural China and the steppe nomads during the Han Dynasty (206BCE-220CE), in consequence of the inter-dependence and the conflicts of these two distinctive societies.
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World: ~ As a new era emerges, the patterns of exchange are mirroring those that have criss-crossed Asia for millennia. The Silk Roads are rising again. A major reassessment of world history, The Silk Roads is an important account of the forces that have shaped the global economy and the political renaissance in the re-emerging east.
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World: ~ The history of the silk roads is not new. But Peter Frankopan puts it all together: the history, economics, politics, philosophies/religion. He provides an astonishing overview of the development and the importance of the silk roads with an eye on todays world and the future. I got a very clear understanding of what is happening in that region .
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World / University of ~ Peter Frankopan (Director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research, University of Oxford) discusses his book The Silk Roads: A New History of the World with Averil Cameron (Former Professor of Late Antique and Byzantine History, University of Oxford) and Robert Moore (Emeritus Professor of History, Newcastle University).
: The Silk Road: A New History (9780190218423 ~ The Silk Road is as iconic in world history as the Colossus of Rhodes or the Suez Canal. But what was it, exactly? It conjures up a hazy image of a caravan of camels laden with silk on a dusty desert track, reaching from China to Rome. The reality was different--and far more interesting--as revealed in this new history.
The Silk Road in World History (豆瓣) ~ The Silk Road survived the turmoil of the demise of the Han and Roman Empires, reached its golden age during the early middle age, when the Byzantine Empire and the Tang Empire became centers of silk culture and established the models for high culture of the Eurasian world. The coming of Islam extended silk culture to an even larger area and paved the way for an expanded market for textiles .
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World: ~ The Silk Roads: A New History of the World The region of the Silk Roads is obscure to many in the English-speaking world. Yet the region linking East with West is where civilisation itself began, where the world's great religions were born and took root, where goods were exchanged, and where languages, ideas and disease spread.
The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History ~ The Silk Road in World History (New Oxford World History) Kindle Edition by Xinru Liu (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. 4.3 out of 5 stars 30 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $23.93 — — Hardcover "Please retry" $149.95 . $149.95 — Paperback "Please retry" $24.95 . $24.95 — Kindle $23.93 Read with .
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World – Illustrated ~ Set your sails east with this stunningly original new history of the world. Peter Frankopan, number one bestselling author and historian explores the connections made by people, trade, disease, war, religion, adventure, science and technology in this extraordinary book about how the east married the west with a remarkable voyage at its heart - the journey along the Silk Roads.
: The Silk Road: A New History with Documents ~ The Silk Road is iconic in world history; but what was it, exactly? It conjures up a hazy image of a caravan of camels laden with silk on a dusty desert track, reaching from China to Rome. The reality was different--and far more interesting. In The Silk Road: A New History with Documents, Valerie Hansen describes the remarkable archeological finds that revolutionized our understanding of these .
: Central Asia in World History (New Oxford ~ True to its introduction, it does indeed describe the role of this large, but poorly understood region, in the development of world trade (e.g., the Silk Road), military technology (e.g., the composite bow) and modern nations (e.g., Turkey and the Stans). The history is authoritative naming leaders, tribes and cities with extensive notes for further study. Nevertheless, given the strangeness .
/ The Silk Roads: A New History of the World ~ 配送商品ならThe Silk Roads: A New History of the Worldが通常配送無料。更にならポイント還元本が多数。Frankopan, Peter作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。