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    Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology, and Ethics of Business

    Beschreibung Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology, and Ethics of Business. Combining perspectives on the interplay of two areas of primary importance to our lives--business and society--this anthology brings together a wide range of readings on the subject. Topics include the historical evolution of the business enterprise, the emergence and development of the labor force, and the impact of the international marketplace. Castro concentrates on the moral and social aspects of business, the way it affects national economy, the environment, careers, the disadvantaged, government, and public opinion. Combining the idea that a good business education must also be a good liberal education, Castro is careful to show the connections between the way Americans have done and thought about business in the past, with the way Americans think and do business today. Considering the abundance of socioeconomic issues in everyday life, he shows that business ethics has always been an integral part of business, and that this continues to be true. He shows that the historical, social, and ethical dimensions of business are an inseparable and necessary component of business education. Chosen for their student interest and accessibility, the readings can be used for a variety of different courses covering business and society.

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    Business and society : a reader in the history, sociology ~ Get this from a library! Business and society : a reader in the history, sociology, and ethics of business. [Barry Castro;]

    Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology ~ : Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology, and Ethics of Business (9780195095661): Castro, Barry: Books

    Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology ~ Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology, and Ethics of Business: Castro, Barry, Castro, Barry: .au: Books

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    What is the Role of Business in Society? - The Aspen Institute ~ Below, the co-founders of B Lab explain the shift in business from focusing on the bottom line to having a positive impact on society. Jay Coen Gilbert, Bart Houlahan, and Andrew Kassoy, are 2015 John P. McNulty Prize winners.. The $100,000 prize recognizes the spirit of innovation and excellence of private sector leaders who use entrepreneurship to address important global social issues.

    Business Ethics and Social Responsibility ~ Note that many people react that business ethics, with its continuing attention to "doing the right thing," only asserts the obvious ("be good," "don't lie," etc.), and so these people don't take business ethics seriously. For many of us, these principles of the obvious can go right out the door during times of stress. Consequently, business ethics can be strong preventative medicine. Anyway .

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