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    You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online (Harvest Book)

    Beschreibung You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online (Harvest Book). Patricia T. O’Conner, the bestselling language maven who charmed legions of readers into civilizing their grammar (Woe Is I) and their writing (Words Fail Me), now drags proper English kicking and screaming into the Age of E-Mail. Do the old truths still apply? Yes, insist O’Conner and co-author Stewart Kellerman, her journalist husband. In fact, good English and good manners are even more important online. Thanks to the computer, we’re writing again, but we’ll have to upgrade our lousy language and social skills or suffer the cyber-consequences. With chapters on etiquette (To E or Not to E), beefier writing (The E-Mail Eunuch), deconstructing a message (All’s Well That Sends Well), and civilized English (Grammar à la Modem), You Send Me delivers everything you need to connect with real people in the virtual world.

    Buch You Send Me: Getting It Right When You Write Online (Harvest Book) PDF ePub

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