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    The Great Crash 1929

    Beschreibung The Great Crash 1929. John Kenneth Galbraith's now-classic account of the 1929 stock market collapse, The Great Crash remains the definitive book on the most disastrous cycle of boom and bust in modern times. The Great Crash 1929 examines the causes, effects, aftermath and long-term consequences of America's infamous financial meltdown, showing how rampant speculation and blind optimism sustained a market mania, and led to its terrible downward spiral. Galbraith also describes the people and the corporations at the heart of the financial community, and how they were affected by the disaster. With its depiction of the 'gold-rush fantasy' ingrained in America's psychology, this penetrating study of human greed and folly contains lessons that are still vital today - and are now more relevant than ever. 'Lively and highly readable'  Financial Times 'Galbraith is a considerable writer ­- admonitory, ironic, patrician, funny'  Guardian 'The definitive work on the subject'  Daily Mail 'A book you will read at a single sitting'  Prospect 'One of the most engrossing books I have ever read'  Daily Telegraph John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006) was a Canadian-American economist. A Keynesian and an institutionalist, Galbraith was a leading proponent of 20th-century American liberalism and progressivism. Galbraith was the author of 30 books, including The Economics of Innocent Fraud, The Great Crash: 1929, and A History of Economics.

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    The Great Crash 1929 - John Kenneth - Download Free ebook ~ The Great Crash 1929 examines the causes, effects, aftermath and long-term consequences of America’s infamous financial meltdown, showing how rampant speculation and blind optimism sustained a market mania, and led to its terrible downward spiral. Galbraith also describes the people and the corporations at the heart of the financial community, and how they were affected by the disaster.

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    The Great Crash 1929 von Galbraith, John Kenneth (Buch ~ The Great Crash 1929, John Kenneth Galbraith's now-classic account of the 1929 stock market collapse, The Great Crash remains the definitive book on the most disastrous cycle of boom and bust in modern times., The classic account of financial disaster, Galbraith, John Kenneth, Buch

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    Schwarzer Donnerstag – Wikipedia ~ Schwarzer Donnerstag (englisch Black Thursday) ist eine Bezeichnung für den 24. Oktober 1929 und den damit verbundenen folgenreichsten Börsenkrach der Geschichte. Nachdem schon in den Vorwochen ein deutlicher Rückgang des zuvor jahrelang stark steigenden Dow-Jones-Index verzeichnet worden war, brach an diesem Tag Panik unter den Anlegern der New York Stock Exchange aus.

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    :Kundenrezensionen: The Great Crash 1929 ~ After the Great Crash came the Great Depression which lasted, with varying severity, for ten years. In 1933, Gross National Product was nearly a third less than in 1929. Not until 1937 did the physical volume of production recover to the levels of 1929, and then it promptly slipped back again.

    Der große Crash 1929 - Ursachen, Verlauf, Folgen ~ Galbraith veröffentlichte zahlreiche Schriften und Bücher und wurde mit 48 Ehrendoktortiteln ausgezeichnet. »Der große Crash 1929« ist neben »The Affluent Society« sein bedeutendstes Werk. Galbraith gilt noch heute als Vordenker der linken Ökonomen, die einen kritischen Umgang mit der Marktwirtschaft fordern.

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