Beschreibung Financial Statements Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide (Demystified Business). QUESTIONS about STATEMENTS? Find All the Answers Here!Are you considering buying a small business? Do you want to invest in a Fortune 500 company? Are you trying to sell your own business? Balance sheets and income statements are essential to helping you make informed decisions regarding important business transactions. But unless you're an accountant, these documents can be intimidating hodgepodges of columns, rows, and numbers. Don't fret. Financial Statements Demystified is just the tool you need. Devoid of confusing business jargon, this engaging and easy-to-follow guide defines basic financial statement terminology and explains the components of the four most common financial statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Stockholders' Equity, and Statement of Cash Flows. You will learn how to read, interpret, and use pivotal data from these sources--each of which will help you make accurate financial decisions without having to go back to school.This confusion-busting guide covers: An overview of financial statements--what they are and what they tell usEasy-to-understand explanations of profit and lossStatement of cash flows and special reporting issuesHow to spot fraudulently misstated financial statementsQuizzes at the end of each chapter to help test your knowledgeSimple enough for a novice but in-depth enough for a seasoned investor, Financial Statements Demystified will help you understand the four main financial statements.
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Accounting Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide / DeMystified ~ Accounting Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide. US: McGraw-Hill Education, 2006. Add to Favorites; Email to a Friend; Download Citation ; Accounting Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide . Authors: Leita A. Hart. Published: 2006. ISBN: 9780071490443 0071450831. Open eBook . Book Description Table of Contents Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; PART ONE THE BIG PICTURE; CHAPTER 1 Where Did All .
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Financial Statements Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide ~ Financial Statements Demystified is just the tool you need. Devoid of confusing business jargon, this engaging and easy-to-follow guide defines basic financial statement terminology and explains the components of the four most common financial statements: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Stockholders' Equity, and Statement of Cash Flows.
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Financial Statements Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide: A ~ A Self-Teaching Guide. Designed for the reader with little or no accounting or business experience, 'Financial Statements Demystified' explains in a clear, easy-to-understand way how to read a financial statement and use it effectively in making investment decisions. Autorentext
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