Beschreibung PROFESSIONAL PILOT CAREER GUIDE, 2/E. Find the Best-Paying and Most-Fulfilling Jobs in Professional Piloting A valuable employment tool, the Professional Pilot Career Guide provides a complete sourcebook of professional flying opportunities. This updated guide contains detailed coverage of pilot ratings and practical test standards-plus goal-achieving tips on job hunting, networking, regional airlines, the majors, and more. Written by career pilot and aviation-industry expert Robert P. Mark, this vital reference offers a real-world look at what it's like to fly for the airlines, corporations, or charter companies, together with guidance on pay, benefits, types of aircraft, and future prospects. Packed with illustrations, Professional Pilot Career Guide features:Full coverage of aviation training-where to get it and how to finance itThe latest airline, corporate, and charter employment opportunities200 common interview questions-and the 10 most frequent interview mistakesCurrent information on the best-paying flying jobs Valuable advice on PC-based job search techniques Indepth pilot interviews Essential internet resourcesInside This Cutting-Edge Employment Resource for Today's Pilots Your Career Starts Here Flight Training Ratings Where Are the Jobs? The Regional Airlines The Majors Business Aviation The Pilot and the PC
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