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    Fire in the Valley: Making of the Personal Computer

    Beschreibung Fire in the Valley: Making of the Personal Computer. “A book not to be missed, just plain good reading about the drama of the Kids next door turning their dreams into millions.” —The New York Times “Swaine and Freiberger capture the communal spirit of the early computer clubs, the brilliance and blundering of some of the first start-up companies, the assortment of naiveté, noble purpose and greed that characterized various pioneers, and the inevitable transformation of all this into a major industry. Must reading.” —Philip Lemmons, editor-in-chief, BYTE Magazine

    Buch Fire in the Valley: Making of the Personal Computer PDF ePub

    Fire in the valley : the making of the personal computer ~ Fire in the valley : the making of the personal computer Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. EMBED. EMBED (for wordpress hosted blogs and archive item <description> tags) Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! No_Favorite. share. flag. Flag this item for. Graphic Violence ; Graphic Sexual Content ; texts. Fire in the valley : the making of the .

    Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer by ~ Fire in the Valley is one of the seminal books on the history of personal computing and still has value. Over time, most books on the subject have tended to focus on the chosen few who have become household names (especially Jobs and Gates), but at the time when this book was first written, it was not yet obvious who would be canonized in the long run. Thus, Fire in the Valley, describes the .

    Fire in the Valley: The Making of The Personal Computer ~ Fire in the Valley: The Making of The Personal Computer: : Freiberger, Paul, Swaine, Michael: Books . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Product details. Paperback : 478 pages; ISBN-10 : 0071358927; ISBN-13 : 978-0071358927; Product Dimensions : 19.05 x 4.45 x 24.77 cm; Publisher : McGraw-Hill Education (16 Dec. 1999) Language: : English; Best Sellers .

    Fire in the Valley: The Making of The Personal Computer ~ So while Fire in the Valley does a great job of providing historical context for many of the inventions that preceded today's personal computer, it's only part of the story. Not only does it stop telling its story around 1990 or so, but it leaves out many of the giants of the industry. It paints a picture of Bill Gates as hacker and villain, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as knights who pretty .

    Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer ~ So while Fire in the Valley does a great job of providing historical context for many of the inventions that preceded today's personal computer, it's only part of the story. Not only does it stop telling its story around 1990 or so, but it leaves out many of the giants of the industry. It paints a picture of Bill Gates as hacker and villain, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as knights who pretty .

    Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer ~ Fire in the Valley is an accurate, insightful, and often entertaining look at the many accidents and mistakes that eventually led to the computer you have on your desktop today. The history of the personal computer comprises a series of well-planned errors, with eccentric personalities floating from company to company, and geniuses so twisted they created for the sheer joy of it--never .

    : Customer reviews: Fire in the Valley: The ~ So while Fire in the Valley does a great job of providing historical context for many of the inventions that preceded today's personal computer, it's only part of the story. Not only does it stop telling its story around 1990 or so, but it leaves out many of the giants of the industry. It paints a picture of Bill Gates as hacker and villain, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak as knights who pretty .

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    Pirates of Silicon Valley - Wikipedia ~ Pirates of Silicon Valley is a 1999 American biographical drama television film directed by Martyn Burke and starring Noah Wyle as Steve Jobs and Anthony Michael Hall as Bill Gates.Spanning the years 1971–1997 and based on Paul Freiberger and Michael Swaine's 1984 book Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer, it explores the impact that the rivalry between Jobs (Apple .

    Die Silicon Valley Story – Wikipedia ~ Die Silicon Valley Story ist ein biografischer Fernsehfilm von Martyn Burke aus dem Jahr 1999, basierend auf dem Buch Fire in the Valley: Making of the Personal Computer von Paul Freiberger und Michael Swaine.Er beschreibt die Entwicklung der Heimcomputer und Personal Computer in Bezug auf die RivalitĂ€t zwischen Apple Inc. und Microsoft.. Die Geschichte des Films beginnt in den frĂŒhen 1970er .

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