Beschreibung Financial Statement Analysis. "Financial Statement Analysis, 9E", emphasizes effective business analysis and decision making by analysts, investors, managers, and other stakeholders of the company. It continues to set the standard (over 8 prior editions and hundreds of thousands in unit book sales) in showing students the keys to effective financial statement analysis. It begins with an overview (chapters 1-2), followed by accounting analysis (chapters 3-6) and then financial analysis (chapters 7-11). The book presents a balanced view of analysis, including both equity and credit analysis, and both cash-based and earnings-based valuation models. The book is aimed at accounting and finance classes, and the professional audience as it shows the relevance of financial statement analysis to all business decision makers. The authors: use numerous and timely "real world" examples and cases; draw heavily on actual excerpts from financial reports and footnotes; focus on analysis and interpretation of financial reports and their footnotes; illustrate debt and equity valuation that uses results of financial statement analysis; and, have a concise writing style to make the material accessible.
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and ~ The only criticism I have is for the publisher, whose website design made it nearly impossible to find and download the complimentary student resources, which include a financial statement analysis template, an Excel add-in, and supplementary textbook material. If you buy the text, you will have to click on seemingly unrelated links to find the student resources page.
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Financial Statement Analysis - Subramanyam, K. R. - ~ Financial Statement Analysis, 11e, emphasizes effective business analysis and decision making by analysts, investors, managers, and other stakeholders of the company. It continues to set the standard in showing students the keys to effective financial statement analysis. The textbook is set up in a three part framework which makes this textbook one of the best-selling books in the market. It .
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