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    Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition

    Beschreibung Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition. Reinventing the Wheel is the riveting, behind-the-scenes story of the enigmatic and cocksure inventor Dean Kamen and the Segway Human Transporter.When Kamen invented the two-wheeled vehicle known to many by its code name, Ginger, he promised it would transform the face of personal transportation forever. But when this brilliant and driven inventor attempted to become an entrepreneur, a colossal power struggle ensued. Here, Steve Kemper takes you along for the wild ride. In Reinventing the Wheel, Kemper goes inside Kamen's world of technology development, where nerve and ingenuity collide with high finance and the bottom line.

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    Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and ~ Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition / Kemper, Steve / ISBN: 9780060761387 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and ~ Reinventing the Wheel is the riveting, behind-the-scenes story of the enigmatic and cocksure inventor Dean Kamen and the Segway Human Transporter. When Kamen invented the two-wheeled vehicle known to many by its code name, Ginger, he promised it would transform

    Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and ~ Reinventing the Wheel is the riveting, behind-the-scenes story of the enigmatic and cocksure inventor Dean Kamen and the Segway Human Transporter. When Kamen invented the two-wheeled vehicle known to many by its code name, Ginger, he promised it would transform the face of personal transportation forever. But when this brilliant and driven .

    Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and ~ Buy Reinventing the Wheel: A Story of Genius, Innovation, and Grand Ambition Reprint by Kemper, Steve (ISBN: 9780060761387) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

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